A mutual friend shared something which meaning like this, "A man when he gets older he became good looking (handsome). But sadly not for a woman."
On the other side, a man or a woman do not need handsome or pretty faces as the ingredients to walk this life. We need more that that. One of them is called APPRECIATION & KINDNESS in order to LOVE! My q's to readers here...do we appreaciate what we have so far? How far our kindness to loved ones? Especially towards parents, friends and spouses? *Let's tap our chest, then ask our taste.
In a harsh words, would rather say"...Makin tua makin tidak sedar diri dimamah usia, bertuahnya wanita tidak begitu, makin veteren, wanita makin evergreen!
PS: To men...no heart feeling OK. To all strong women, this song goes to you. Sing all together.
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